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Summary Attributions Wiki

Morpholino Name: tdgf1 MO4
Synonyms: MO XCR1.1
Target mRNA: cripto.3

Morpholino Type: uncategorized morpholino

Source: Gene Tools LLC

Target mRNA
Genomic Alignments Position Identity Strand Target Target mRNA
laevis 10.1 Chr8S:4905244..4905265 19/22 Antisense off-target dpf3.S
Chr1L:134980410..134980431 19/22 Antisense off-target mpdz.L
Chr4S:15184741..15184762 19/22 Antisense off-target ano1.S
Chr4L:68828712..68828733 19/22 Sense off-target fhod1.L
Chr5L:127425883..127425904 19/22 Antisense off-target nyap2.L
Chr1L:208022514..208022535 19/22 Antisense off-target map3k1.L
Chr2S:96884096..96884117 19/22 Sense off-target abi3bp.S
Chr3S:62666860..62666881 19/22 Sense off-target shank3.S
Chr5L:126142256..126142277 19/22 Sense off-target p2ry12.L
Chr6L:126886407..126886428 19/22 Sense off-target dnajc5b.L
Chr6L:45269198..45269219 19/22 Sense off-target ankrd28.L
Chr9_10S:95015004..95015025 19/22 Sense off-target LOC121398833
Chr1L:115775039..115775060 18/22 Sense off-target ssbp4.L
Chr9_10L:10176190..10176211 18/22 Antisense off-target b4galt5.L
Chr1S:21794801..21794822 18/22 Antisense off-target sepsecs.S
Chr6S:34256117..34256138 20/22 Sense unknown
Chr6S:59108381..59108402 20/22 Antisense unknown
Chr9_10S:68577334..68577355 20/22 Antisense unknown
Chr8L:40962177..40962198 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:39962050..39962071 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:40041179..40041200 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:40127788..40127809 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:40247259..40247280 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:40334412..40334433 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:40360017..40360038 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:40459602..40459623 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10S:40793965..40793986 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr1L:211686710..211686731 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr3S:13921866..13921887 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr3S:26974323..26974344 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr6L:42288706..42288727 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr6L:53235920..53235941 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr6L:7459263..7459284 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr8S:91197967..91197988 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr3L:104071404..104071425 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr3S:92740205..92740226 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr5S:126952227..126952248 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr5S:44795153..44795174 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr6L:156590480..156590501 18/22 Antisense unknown
tropicalis 10.0 Chr1:66989168..66989189 19/22 Antisense off-target lef1
Chr4:102138476..102138497 19/22 Sense off-target ptbp2
Chr2:73799209..73799230 19/22 Antisense off-target fam72a
Chr6:128763937..128763958 19/22 Antisense off-target vps13b
Chr9:42203476..42203497 19/22 Sense off-target card11
Chr1:106310097..106310118 18/22 Sense off-target ssbp4
Chr10:16539055..16539076 18/22 Sense off-target kcnh6
Chr3:4501760..4501781 18/22 Sense off-target efcab6
Chr5:43932147..43932168 18/22 Antisense off-target slc22a2
Chr2:99445208..99445229 18/22 Sense off-target LOC116408858
Chr4:29486924..29486945 18/22 Antisense off-target LOC105947258
Chr2:96813187..96813208 20/22 Sense unknown
Chr1:137443208..137443229 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr6:26921965..26921986 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr6:99679151..99679172 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr1:162637247..162637268 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr4:139401647..139401668 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr4:139513609..139513630 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr5:117293073..117293094 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr5:122611317..122611338 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr5:31464466..31464487 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr7:87425877..87425898 18/22 Antisense unknown
???morpholino.displaySummary.papersFirst??? A novel Cripto-related protein reveals an essential role for EGF-CFCs in Nodal signalling in Xenopus embryos., Dev Biol 2006     