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Summary Attributions Wiki

Morpholino Name: miR-449 MO2
Synonyms: miR-449b MO
Target mRNA: unknown

Morpholino Type: uncategorized morpholino

Source: Gene Tools LLC

Target mRNA
Genomic Alignments Position Identity Strand Target Target mRNA
laevis 10.1 Chr5S:74970346..74970367 20/22 Antisense off-target mrap2.S
Chr6S:117486038..117486059 19/22 Sense off-target ncald.S
Chr6S:31547097..31547118 19/22 Antisense off-target itgb8.S
Chr7S:1725086..1725107 18/22 Antisense off-target vti1a.S
Chr3L:142560311..142560332 18/22 Antisense off-target LOC108710638
Chr1S:180452156..180452177 22/22 Antisense unknown
Chr3S:58980557..58980578 20/22 Sense unknown
Chr9_10L:69721597..69721618 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr5L:130570410..130570431 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr8S:16591804..16591825 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr9_10S:31024276..31024297 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr8L:43754252..43754273 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr6L:122266553..122266574 18/22 Sense unknown
tropicalis 10.0 Chr1:191769494..191769515 22/22 Antisense off-target cdc20b
Chr1:191769494..191769515 22/22 Antisense off-target mir449b
Chr6:5453577..5453598 18/22 Antisense off-target LOC101733825
Chr7:82658310..82658331 20/22 Sense unknown
Chr1:146946046..146946067 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr1:116042424..116042445 18/22 Antisense unknown
???morpholino.displaySummary.papersFirst??? miR-34/449 control apical actin network formation during multiciliogenesis through small GTPase pathways., Nat Commun 2015     