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Summary Attributions Wiki

Morpholino Name: TMTC2 MO1
Target mRNA: tmtc2

Morpholino Type: uncategorized morpholino

Source: Gene Tools LLC

Target mRNA
Genomic Alignments Position Identity Strand Target Target mRNA
laevis 10.1 Chr8L:78591729..78591750 19/22 Antisense off-target itpk1.L
Chr2L:27715765..27715786 19/22 Antisense off-target tbc1d23.L
Chr2S:8256197..8256218 19/22 Sense off-target tbc1d23.S
Chr4L:75065104..75065125 18/22 Antisense off-target usp33.L
Chr2S:14069624..14069645 18/22 Antisense off-target pros1.S
Chr3L:112878683..112878704 18/22 Sense off-target map1a.L
Chr1S:84053136..84053157 18/22 Sense off-target sh3gl1.S
Chr4L:63404638..63404659 18/22 Sense off-target LOC100493382.L
Chr4S:56984599..56984620 20/22 Antisense unknown
Chr4S:75729151..75729172 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr7S:61782310..61782331 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr8L:20035995..20036016 19/22 Sense unknown
Chr3L:37953307..37953328 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr4S:75175160..75175181 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr5L:88069494..88069515 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr7L:112042236..112042257 18/22 Sense unknown
Chr4S:89124089..89124110 18/22 Antisense unknown
tropicalis 10.0 Chr2:42980291..42980312 20/22 Antisense off-target zfx
Chr8:99862266..99862287 19/22 Sense off-target ahnak2
Chr9:60938073..60938094 18/22 Antisense off-target ugt1a1
Chr6:82675728..82675749 19/22 Antisense unknown
Chr3:26428292..26428313 18/22 Antisense unknown
Chr6:101915964..101915985 18/22 Sense unknown
???morpholino.displaySummary.papersFirst??? Endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane protein TMTC3 contributes to O-mannosylation of E-cadherin, cellular adherence, and embryonic gastrulation., Mol Biol Cell 2020     