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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (0) Expression Attributions Wiki

Anatomy Term: small secretory cell
XAO ID: 0005234
Synonyms: SCC
Definition: "One of the four cell types that are found in bilayered epithlium of the larval epidermis (the others being goblet cells, multicilliated cells, and ionocytes) and have an abundance of large apical secretory vesicles and secrete a glyocoprotein with antimicrobial properties."
Stage Range: NF stage 25 to death
Marker Genes:
Develops From:
Anatomy Item Stage Range
ectoderm NF stage 10 to NF stage 66
Develops Into:
Parent(s): ectoderm


Parent(s): cell (is_a) epidermis (part_of)


References: Ontology Lookup Service , XB ANATOMY ONTOLOGY