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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (0) Expression Attributions Wiki

Anatomy Term: tissue
XAO ID: 0003040
Synonyms: portion of tissue
Definition: "Multicellular anatomical structure that consists of many cells of one or a few types, arranged in an extracellular matrix such that their long-range organization is at least partly a repetition of their short-range organization."
Stage Range: NF stage 7 to death
Marker Genes:
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Develops Tree: tissueLegend: develops fromtissue

Anatomy Tree: tissueLegend: is apart ofzona limitans intrathalamicavestibuleventrolateral edge of myotomeventricular layer of the optic tectumventral posterior hindgut endodermventral hyoid arch skeletonventral fin marginventral blood islandvegetal yolk massvegetal part, early involutingvagal neural crestuveal tractultimobranchial bodytyphlosoletrunk neural cresttrochlear motornucleustracheoesophageal foldtrabeculataste budtail tipsyndetomesuprablastoporal endodermsuperficial layer of neurectodermsubcapsular liversub-blastoporal endodermstratum spongiosumstratum compactumspiral septumsomiteseptumsensorial layer of neurectodermsensorial layerseminiferous tubulesemicircular canalsecondary heart fieldsclerotomesclerotomal cartilagesacral neural crestsaccular macularostral presomitic mesodermretinal outer plexiform layerretinal outer nuclear layerretinal layerretinal inner plexiform layerretinal inner nuclear layerretinal ganglion cell layerregenerating tissueproximal tubulepronephric tubulepronephric nephrostomeprimary heart fieldprimary germ layerprethalamus basal platepresomitic mesodermpreplacodal ectodermpre-chordal neural plate borderpre-chordal neural plateposterior wall of neurenteric canalposterior ventral blood islandposterior tailposterior placodal areaposterior notochordposterior neural foldposterior hindgut endodermposterior branchial crestpost-anal gutpigment layerpia materphotoreceptor layerpharyngeal endodermperipheral vegetal yolk masspericardial roofpalatoquadrateouter limiting membraneouter finotic vesicleoptic stalkoptic fiber layerobsolete rostral notochordobsolete caudal notochordnotoplatenotochordal sheathnotochordnon-neural ectodermneuropil of the optic tectumneuroectoderm outer layerneuroectoderm inner layerneuroectodermneurenteric canalneural plate borderneural plateneural grooveneural foldneural crestnervemyotomemusclemitral cell layer of the olfactory bulbmesonephric tubulemesenchymemedial ganglionic eminencematrix-based tissuemandibular crestliver parenchymelens transitional zonelens fiber cell masslateral preplacodal ectodermlateral linelateral ganglionic eminencelate proximal tubulelate distal tubuleinvoluting marginal zone mesenchymal layerinvoluting marginal zone epithelial layerinvoluted ventral mesoderminvoluted dorsal mesodermintermediate mesoderminterdigital webbinginner limiting membraneinner finhypochordhyoid cresthindlimb bud tiphindgut endodermhead mesodermhead endodermgranule cell layer of the olfactory bulbgranule cell layer of the cerebellumglomerular layer of the olfactory bulbglomeral nexusgenital ridgegastrocoel roof plateganglionforelimb bud tipfollicle layerflexural organfin marginfasciculated network of fibrilsexternal plexiform layer of the olfactory bulbequatorial beltepitheliumepidermis inner layerepicardiumendocardiumendocardial cushionelastica externaEberth-Kastschenko layerearly proximal tubuleearly distal tubuledorsomedial edge of myotomedorsolateral placode regiondorsal posterior hindgut endodermdorsal hyoid arch skeletondorsal fin margindorsal crest of the endodermdistal tubuledermatomecranial neural crestconnective tissueconjunctivaclaw primordiumciliary bodychoroidchordoneural hingechordal neural plate borderchordal neural platechordal neural crestcentral vegetal yolk masscentral endodermcell body layer of the optic tectumcaudal presomitic mesodermcardiac valvecardiac neural crestbranchial crestbone marrowblastocoel roofblastocoel floorbasilar papillaatrioventricular valve leafletatrioventricular valvearchenteron flooranterior ventral blood islandanterior placodal areaanterior notochordanterior neuroectodermanterior neural ridgeanterior neural foldanterior lymph sacanterior hindgut endodermanterior dorsal finanterior branchial crestanimal part, late involutinganimal cap outer layeranimal cap inner layeramputated tissueamphibian papillaadrenal medullaadrenal cortexadipose tissuetissueThis image is generated by Please cite Xenbase in your publications.
Parent(s): multicellular anatomical structure (is_a)


References: Ontology Lookup Service , XB ANATOMY ONTOLOGY