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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (1223) Expression Attributions Wiki

Anatomy Term: microtubule
XAO ID: 0005122
Definition: "Any of the long, generally straight, hollow tubes of internal diameter 12-15 nm and external diameter 24 nm found in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells; each consists (usually) of 13 protofilaments of polymeric tubulin, staggered in such a manner that the tubulin monomers are arranged in a helical pattern on the microtubular surface, and with the alpha/beta axes of the tubulin subunits parallel to the long axis of the tubule; exist in equilibrium with pool of tubulin monomers and can be rapidly assembled or disassembled in response to physiological stimuli; concerned with force generation, e.g. in the spindle."
Stage Range: oocyte stage I to death
Marker Genes:
Develops From:
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Develops Tree: microtubuleLegend: develops frommicrotubule

Anatomy Tree: microtubuleLegend: is apart ofspindle microtubulemicrotubule
Parent(s): cell part (is_a)


References: Ontology Lookup Service , XB ANATOMY ONTOLOGY