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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (42) GO Terms (16) Nucleotides (291) Proteins (60) Interactants (319) Wiki

baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5

api4 , BIR1 , birc5.1 , birc5.1-a , birc5.1-b , epr-1 [+] ( Nomenclature history )

apoptosis inhibitor

Protein Function :
Component of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), a complex that acts as a key regulator of mitosis. The CPC complex has essential functions at the centromere in ensuring correct chromosome alignme...[+]

Human Physical (1), Co-citation (318)


External Links:
Gene ID & Location
Xenbase Gene ID XB-GENE-5850943 XB-GENE-5851077 XB-GENE-6254428
Gene Symbol birc5 birc5.L birc5.S
Chromosome Chr2 Chr2L Chr2S
???displayGene.molecues??? X. tropicalis X. laevis.L X. laevis.S
Genomic Sequence Version 10.0 Version 10.1 Version 10.1
CDS CDS Gene Model CDS Gene Model CDS Gene Model
Entrez Gene 733532 398418 394382
Ensembl Gene birc5 (ENSXETG00000004294)
mRNA RefSeq NCBI Nt RefSeq NCBI Nt  More.. RefSeq NCBI Nt  More..
Protein RefSeq Swiss-Prot  More.. RefSeq Swiss-Prot  More.. RefSeq Swiss-Prot  More..
Reference Proteome Q28H51 Q4R1J6 Q8JGN5
AlphaFold View on AlphaFold View on AlphaFold View on AlphaFold
???displayGene.genomic??? X. tropicalis X. laevis.L X. laevis.S
Genome Browser
(Click image to open in interactive Genome Browser)
Genomic Synteny Xenbase Simple Synteny Genomicus PANTHER
???displayGene.expression???                  Development Stages                                               Embryonic Tissues                                                                Adult Tissues
Summary for
More Information
Xenbase Expression Details In situ images Single cell data at SPRING In situ: RNA-Seq:
Proteomics X. tropicalis X. laevis.L X. laevis.S
Embryonic Protein Expression Stage profile: birc5.L Stage profile: birc5.S
Knowledgebases Entrez Gene Genetic Phenotypes Gene Expression
HGNC, Alliance, Monarch, MIM, GeneCards BIRC5 MIM Ensembl, Protein Atlas, Allen Brain Atlas
MGI, Alliance Birc5 MGI, IMPC Ensembl, Allen Brain Atlas, MGI
RGD, Alliance Birc5 Ensembl
ZFIN, Alliance ZFIN, Alliance birc5a birc5b  ZFIN Ensembl
fruit fly
First Cloning and functional expression of the cDNA encoding an inwardly-rectifying potassium channel expressed in pancreatic beta-cells and in the brain., FEBS Lett 1995  
Most Recent Chromosomal passenger complex condensates generate parallel microtubule bundles in vitro., J Biol Chem 2024     
All ???displayGene.papersAll??? 1 ???displayGene.morpholinoPapers???
Functional Ontologies X. tropicalis X. laevis.L X. laevis.S
GO 14 terms 39 terms 45 terms
KEGG Pathways Apoptosis Apoptosis Apoptosis
KOG [DR] Apoptosis inhibitor IAP1 and related BIdomain proteins
Reagents X. tropicalis X. laevis.L X. laevis.S
CRISPRscan Tracks birc5 birc5.L birc5.S
Antibodies Birc5 Ab1 Birc5 Ab1 Birc5 Ab1
ORFs birc5.1.S ORF1, birc5.1.S ORF2
Clones Horizon Horizon Horizon

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