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Summary Literature (2)
Literature for OMIM 611174: HAMAMY SYNDROME; HMMS

Xenbase Articles:
( Denotes literature images)
Mutations in IRX5 impair craniofacial development and germ cell migration via SDF1., Bonnard C,Strobl AC,Shboul M,Lee H,Lee H,Merriman B,Nelson SF,Ababneh OH,Uz E,Kayserili H,Hamamy H,Reversade B,Güran T, Nat Genet. May 13, 2012; 44(6):1546-1718.
Modeling human craniofacial disorders in Xenopus., Dubey A,Saint-Jeannet JP, Curr Pathobiol Rep. March 1, 2017; 5(1):2167-485X.