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Summary Literature (3)
Literature for OMIM 601144: BRUGADA SYNDROME 1; BRGDA1

Xenbase Articles:
( Denotes literature images)
Molecular motions of the outer ring of charge of the sodium channel: do they couple to slow inactivation?, Xiong W,Li RA,Tian Y,Tomaselli GF, J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2003; 122(3):1540-7748.
Novel mechanism for Brugada syndrome: defective surface localization of an SCN5A mutant (R1432G)., Baroudi G,Pouliot V,Denjoy I,Guicheney P,Shrier A,Chahine M, Circ Res. June 22, 2001; 88(12):1524-4571.
Using Xenopus to discover new candidate genes involved in BOR and other congenital hearing loss syndromes., Neal SJ,Rajasekaran A,Jusić N,Taylor L,Read M,Alfandari D,Alfandari D,Pignoni F,Moody SA, J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. May 1, 2024; 342(3):1552-5015.