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Xla.pigmented(Nasco) + cer1, Ding Y et al. (2017)

Experiment + Assay: Xla.pigmented(Nasco) + cer1 + WE NF10.5 - RNA-Seq (RNA)
Background: Xla.pigmentedNasco
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
mRNA injection cer1.L cer1.L
NF stage 3 (4-cell) blastomere
Assay Type Assay Stages Antibody
RNA-Seq NF stage 10.5  
Expression Phenotypes (174):
decreased amount 1a11.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount admp.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ampd3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount anpep.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ascl2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bcas3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bhlhe22.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bix1.2.L expression in embryo
decreased amount bix1.3.L expression in embryo
decreased amount blvra.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bmp7.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount camk4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount card9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cass4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cass4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount celf3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cer1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cer1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount chrna4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ckmt1b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount clcf1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cpn1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount crabp2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount crabp2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp26c1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp26c1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount darmin.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dlk2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount dmbx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount dmbx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount dmbx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ednra.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount egr1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount egr1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount eomes.L expression in the embryo
increased amount eomes.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount eomes.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount evx1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount fgf3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount fgf3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fhl3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount flrt3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount foxa2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount foxa4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount foxa4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fst.S expression in the embryo
increased amount fzd4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fzd4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gata2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gata2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gata3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gata3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gata3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gata4.L expression in embryo
decreased amount gata4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gata5.L expression in embryo
decreased amount gata5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gata6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gby.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gby.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gdf11.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gsc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gsc.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hao1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hes3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hes3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hes5.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hes5.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes7.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hes7.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hes7.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes7.1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hesx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hesx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hesx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hhex.L expression in embryo
decreased amount hhex.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hlx.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hnf1b.L expression in embryo
decreased amount homeobox100496651-provisional.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hoxc13.S expression in the embryo
increased amount irf5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount irx2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount irx2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount irx3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount kcnk6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount krt12.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lefty.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lefty.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lhx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lmo1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lrat.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lrat.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lypd6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lzts1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount meis3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount menf.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mertk.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mespa.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mespa.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mespb.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mespb.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mixer.L expression in embryo
decreased amount mixer.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp19.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mnx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nat8.6.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nefm.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nhs.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx2-8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nodal1.L expression in embryo
decreased amount nodal1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nodal1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nodal5.5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nog.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nog.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nptx2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nrp2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount olfm4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount olig3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount olig4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount osr1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount osr1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount osr2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount osr2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount p2rx5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8l.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdgfra.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdgfra.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount phox2b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount phox2b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pitx2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pitx2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount plekhg5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount plekhg5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pou2f3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou2f3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou4f4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount prdm12.L expression in the embryo
increased amount prdm14.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ptgds.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rax.L expression in the embryo
increased amount rax.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rgs1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount runx3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sebox.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sfrp1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount six1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc2a1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc34a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc6a8.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sox17b.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount spns2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount spns2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount szl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount szl.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tac1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbxt.L expression in embryo
decreased amount tbxt.S expression in embryo
decreased amount trim54.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tsc22d3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tsc22d3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount val.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx1.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx1.2.L expression in embryo
increased amount vwc2l.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB940519.L [provisional:pak2] expression in the embryo
decreased amount zswim4.S expression in the embryo
GEO Series: GSE93195: Xenbase, NCBI
Article: XB-ART-53589, PubMed