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Xla Wt + optic nerve amputation, Belrose JL et al. (2020)

Experiment + Assay: Xla Wt + optic nerve amputation + eye juvenile 3 day post amp. (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Background: Xla.B Strain albino
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
juvenile frog stage optic nerve
Assay Type Assay Stages Antibody
RNA-Seq juvenile frog stage  
Expression Phenotypes (67):
increased amount abcb1.L expression in the eye
increased amount adam28.2.S expression in the eye
increased amount ankrd1.L expression in the eye
increased amount ankrd1.S expression in the eye
increased amount ankrd35.S expression in the eye
increased amount apoe.S expression in the eye
increased amount aqp2.S expression in the eye
increased amount atf3.L expression in the eye
increased amount atf3.S expression in the eye
increased amount btg5.2.L expression in the eye
increased amount camp1.L expression in the eye
increased amount ccr3.L expression in the eye
increased amount cda.L expression in the eye
increased amount ceacam19lw.L expression in the eye
increased amount cebpe.L expression in the eye
increased amount cfb.L expression in the eye
increased amount cmklr1.S expression in the eye
increased amount crem.L expression in the eye
increased amount cyp27b1.L expression in the eye
increased amount ddit3.L expression in the eye
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the eye
increased amount fosl1.L expression in the eye
increased amount fosl1.S expression in the eye
decreased amount grp.L expression in the eye
decreased amount grp.S expression in the eye
increased amount hk2.S expression in the eye
increased amount hpx.L expression in the eye
increased amount hvcn1.S expression in the eye
increased amount igf2.L expression in the eye
increased amount igf2.S expression in the eye
increased amount il11.S expression in the eye
increased amount klhl40.S expression in the eye
increased amount lep.L expression in the eye
increased amount lepr.S expression in the eye
increased amount lep.S expression in the eye
increased amount lin28a.S expression in the eye
increased amount lyg2.S expression in the eye
increased amount mmp13.S expression in the eye
increased amount mmp1.S expression in the eye
increased amount mmp9.1.S expression in the eye
increased amount mrap2.L expression in the eye
increased amount mrc1.L expression in the eye
increased amount ncf1.L expression in the eye
increased amount ncf2.L expression in the eye
decreased amount nefl.S expression in the eye
increased amount pdyn.S expression in the eye
decreased amount pnpla3.L expression in the eye
decreased amount pou4f1.L expression in the eye
increased amount prg4.L expression in the eye
increased amount prss57.S expression in the eye
increased amount prtn3.L expression in the eye
increased amount prtn3.S expression in the eye
increased amount rasd1.S expression in the eye
decreased amount retreg3.L expression in the eye
increased amount serpine1.L expression in the eye
increased amount serpine1.S expression in the eye
increased amount slurp1l.S expression in the eye
increased amount socs3.L expression in the eye
increased amount socs3.S expression in the eye
increased amount steap4.2.L expression in the eye
increased amount tex264.S expression in the eye
increased amount tf.L expression in the eye
increased amount thdl18.S expression in the eye
increased amount trpv6.L expression in the eye
increased amount upp2.L expression in the eye
increased amount urpta-1.S expression in the eye
increased amount XB990428.L [provisional:ifitm3] expression in the eye
GEO Series: GSE137844: Xenbase, NCBI
Article: XB-ART-57252, PubMed