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Xla Wt + optic nerve amputation, Belrose JL et al. (2020)

Experiment + Assay: Xla Wt + optic nerve amputation + eye juvenile 11 day post amp. (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Background: Xla.B Strain albino
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
juvenile frog stage optic nerve
Assay Type Assay Stages Antibody
RNA-Seq juvenile frog stage  
Expression Phenotypes (102):
increased amount a2m.S expression in the eye
increased amount abcb1.L expression in the eye
increased amount angpt4.2.S expression in the eye
increased amount aqp8.L expression in the eye
increased amount asns.L expression in the eye
increased amount atf3.L expression in the eye
increased amount atf3.S expression in the eye
increased amount avil.L expression in the eye
increased amount capn8.5.L expression in the eye
increased amount ccdc92.L expression in the eye
increased amount cda.L expression in the eye
increased amount cfap70.L expression in the eye
increased amount clrn1.S expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.11.S expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.25.L expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.4.L expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.4.S expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.5.S expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.6.S expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.7.S expression in the eye
increased amount crygdl.9.S expression in the eye
increased amount ctbs.S expression in the eye
increased amount dcx.L expression in the eye
increased amount ecel1.L expression in the eye
increased amount ecel1.S expression in the eye
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the eye
increased amount emb.S expression in the eye
increased amount gap43.L expression in the eye
increased amount gap43.S expression in the eye
increased amount gng8.L expression in the eye
decreased amount grp.L expression in the eye
decreased amount grp.S expression in the eye
increased amount gsto2.L expression in the eye
increased amount hes5.2.L expression in the eye
increased amount hpd-like.2.L expression in the eye
increased amount hpx.L expression in the eye
increased amount igf2.L expression in the eye
increased amount jpt1.L expression in the eye
increased amount jun.L expression in the eye
decreased amount kcnf1.L expression in the eye
increased amount kcnk10.L expression in the eye
increased amount kcnq2.L expression in the eye
decreased amount kcns1.L expression in the eye
increased amount lepr.L expression in the eye
increased amount lepr.S expression in the eye
increased amount lep.S expression in the eye
increased amount levi.2.L expression in the eye
increased amount lgals1.3.L expression in the eye
increased amount lgals1.3.S expression in the eye
increased amount lrrc49.S expression in the eye
increased amount magainins.L expression in the eye
increased amount medag.L expression in the eye
increased amount medag.S expression in the eye
increased amount mex3a.L expression in the eye
increased amount mmp28.S expression in the eye
increased amount mrap2.L expression in the eye
increased amount myc.L expression in the eye
increased amount myc.S expression in the eye
increased amount nefm.L expression in the eye
increased amount nes.L expression in the eye
decreased amount ocm.S expression in the eye
increased amount pdgfb.S expression in the eye
increased amount pgla.L expression in the eye
increased amount pgla.S expression in the eye
increased amount pgq.L expression in the eye
decreased amount pou4f3.L expression in the eye
decreased amount pou4f3.S expression in the eye
increased amount ppp1r17.L expression in the eye
increased amount prph.L expression in the eye
increased amount prph.S expression in the eye
increased amount psph.S expression in the eye
increased amount pura.S expression in the eye
decreased amount rprml.S expression in the eye
increased amount rtn2.S expression in the eye
increased amount sgp.S expression in the eye
increased amount shc2.S expression in the eye
decreased amount shfl.L expression in the eye
increased amount sox11.L expression in the eye
increased amount sox11.S expression in the eye
increased amount sst.1.L expression in the eye
increased amount stmn2.S expression in the eye
increased amount stmn4.L expression in the eye
increased amount stmn4.S expression in the eye
increased amount tecta.2.L expression in the eye
increased amount tex264.S expression in the eye
increased amount tff3.4.L expression in the eye
increased amount tf.L expression in the eye
increased amount tnfsf13b.L expression in the eye
increased amount trim66.S expression in the eye
increased amount ttr.L expression in the eye
increased amount ttr.S expression in the eye
increased amount tuba1a.L expression in the eye
increased amount tuba1a.S expression in the eye
increased amount tubb2b.S expression in the eye
increased amount tubb3.L expression in the eye
increased amount tubb3.S expression in the eye
decreased amount XB22063245.L [provisional:fxyd2] expression in the eye
decreased amount XB22063245.S [provisional:fxyd2] expression in the eye
increased amount XB5814630.L expression in the eye
increased amount XB5947741.L [provisional] expression in the eye
increased amount XB954544.L [provisional] expression in the eye
increased amount xt6l.L expression in the eye
GEO Series: GSE137844: Xenbase, NCBI
Article: XB-ART-57252, PubMed