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Summary Attributions

Line Name: Xtr.NigerianNasco

Synonym: XB-STRAIN-204, Nigerian (Nasco), Nigerioan (Gurdon Instit)
Species: Xenopus tropicalis
Background Strain: Xtr.Outbred
Paternal Line:
Maternal Line:
Description: Lab bred, out-crossed Nigerian frogs, primarily from University of Virginia/Grainger Lab stock. This colony was shared with EXRC and Gurdon Institute at the University of Cambridge and founded the colony supplied by Nasco. This is also the main strain of frogs used by the Crick Institute, NIMR, and CRUK.
Phenotype Description: Typical pigmented brown-green X. tropicalis.
Color Morph: pigmented
Breeding Type: OUTBRED
Lab of Origin: Grainger Lab, NASCO
Line Type: Wild Type
Mutated Gene(s):
MTA Required: No
Public: Yes
Catalogue Number: Nasco Product Number: LM00822

Stock Center RRID Generation Availability Mutant Details Information
EXRC (Europe) waiting for RRID
NBRP (Japan)

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