Summary |
Synonym: |
Stock A, Tokyo Line, Nigerian A,NA, Asashima strain, Xtr.NigerianAsashima |
Species: |
Xenopus tropicalis |
Background Strain: |
Paternal Line: |
Maternal Line: |
Description: |
This strain was imported from the Grainger lab to Japan, and kept at The University of Tokyo. This strain was propagated to the eleventh inbred generation in his laboratory. Subsequently, individuals were shared with NBRP/HUARC in 2014, where latter colony is called Nigerian A. The 'Asashima strain' is this Nigerian strain, "Stock A" used in Uehara et al. (2002) Develop. Growth and Differ. 44: 427-436. This frog line is no longer available. |
Phenotype Description: |
Pigmented wildtype X. tropicalis. Precise geographic origin is unknown. Igawa et al 2015 state that this strain is genetically distinct from other X. tropicalis strains, and maybe a distinct species or subspecies. |
Color Morph: |
pigmented |
Breeding Type: |
Lab of Origin: |
Asashima Lab |
Line Type: |
Wild Type |
Mutated Gene(s): |
MTA Required: |
Public: |
Catalogue Number: |