Figure 6. The Mutation cyd vicious [Xtra.supt5h] Displays Neural Crest and Eye Defects
Brightfield images of stage ~38 outcrossed sibling wild-type embryo (A) and gynogenetic cyd embryo (B). Likely neural crest-derived pigmented cells (arrows, [C] and [D]) fail to migrate in cyd, and instead populate the lumen of the neural tube. St. 40 wild-type eye (E) displays laminar organization surrounded by prominent pigmented epithelium. cyd eyes form a poorly laminated ball of neural retina surrounding a central mass of pigmented tissue, and no lens tissue is visible (F).
Xtr.supt5h mutant embryos (also known as cyd vicious /cyd), melanocytes fail to migrate out of the dorsal neural tube, resulting in pigmented 'mohawk' effect. Pericardial edema and bent body axis are also observed. Development arrests at stage ~28-32.