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Summary Attributions Transgene

Line Name: Xla.Tg(Xtr.dio3:GFP)

Synonym: deiodinase 3-GFP, pdio3-GFP
Species: Xenopus laevis
Background Strain: Xla.Outbred
Paternal Line:
Maternal Line:
Description: dio3 promoter driving GFP , generating using REMI transgenesis. DNA plasmid construct used part of the X. tropicalis dio3 promoter and upstream regulatory elements. DNA clone represents 1448 pb of the full Xt dio3 4915 pb promoter. The cDNA clone was from 454 pb of the 3prime end Xtr.dio3 promoter.
Phenotype Description:
Color Morph: pigmented
Breeding Type: OUTBRED
Lab of Origin: Demeneix Lab
Line Type: Transgenic
Mutated Gene(s):
MTA Required: No
Public: Yes
Catalogue Number:

Stock Center RRID Generation Availability Mutant Details Information
EXRC (Europe)
NBRP (Japan)

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