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Xenbase Image ID: 151770

Fig. 5. Distribution of cH2AX in ZZ and ZW gonads during development. Immunostaining with anti-Dmrt1 and anticH2AX antibodies was performed on gonadal sections from ZW and ZZ tadpoles at stages 53 and 62 (A) and on gonadal sections from a ZZ adult frog (B). Nuclei were stained with TO-PRO. Oc, oocyte; POg, primary oogonium; PSg, primary spermatogonium; Sg, secondary spermatogonium; Sc, spermatocyte. White arrowheads and arrows indicate Dmrt1- or cH2AX-positive primary GSCs and leptotene/zygotene oocytes, respectively.

Image published in: Fujitani K et al. (2016)

© 2016 The Authors. Creative Commons Attribution license

dmrt1.Ldmrt1-a, dmrt1-b, dmt1, xdmrt1X. laevisThroughout adult frog stagesecondary spermatogonium
primary spermatogonium
h2ax.Sh2afxl, h2a.x, h2a/x, h2axlX. laevisThroughout adult frog stagesecondary spermatogonium
primary spermatogonium
dmrt1.Ldmrt1-a, dmrt1-b, dmt1, xdmrt1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 53ovary
primordial germ cell
h2ax.Sh2afxl, h2a.x, h2a/x, h2axlX. laevisThroughout NF stage 54 to prometamorphosis stagetestis
primordial germ cell
dmrt1.Ldmrt1-a, dmrt1-b, dmt1, xdmrt1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 62secondary oogonium
primary oogonium
primary spermatogonium
h2ax.Sh2afxl, h2a.x, h2a/x, h2axlX. laevisThroughout NF stage 62oocyte

Image source: Published

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