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Fig. S5. Expression analysis of Insulin/Insulin-like growth factor (Igf) signaling. Whole-mount in situ hybridizations and paraplast sections thereof comparing igf1 (AâBâ²â²), igf3 (CâDâ²â²), insulin receptor (insr) (EâFâ²â²), insulin receptor substrate 1 (GâHâ²â²), igf2 (I), insulin (ins) (K), igf receptor (igfr) (M), and insulin-related receptor (insrr) (N) at stages 34 (A, C, E, G, I, and K) and 38 (BâBâ²â², DâDâ²â², FâFâ²â², HâHâ²â², M, and N). (J and L) In situ hybridizations on paraplast sections of stage 42 Xenopus embryos for igf2 and insulin. Insets show sense control.