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Fig. 5. Spatial expression pattern of the four representative Gα subunits during early Xenopus tropicalis development. The tissue specific expression patterns of Gα subunit transcripts at different stages of X. tropicalis embryonic development were analyzed by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Probes are indicated to the left of each panel row, and the developmental stages are indicated at the top of each panel column. Animal views are shown for embryos at stage 9; vegetal views for embryos at stage 10, and lateral views for embryos at stages 18–19, 23–24. Vegetal views are shown in the inset of stage 9, and dorsal views are shown in the inset of stage 18–19. White arrows in the stage 10 panels indicate the dorsal marginal zone (dmz). White arrowheads in the stage 23–24 panels indicate the three cranial neural crest routes (ncr) (branchial, hyoidea, and mandibular). Black arrows indicate specific structures labeled as follows: nt, neural tube; p, placodes; and psm, presomitic mesoderm. The embryo images are representative of three independent in situ experiments analyzing 30–50 embryos each time.

Image published in: Fuentealba J et al. (2016)

Copyright © 2016. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

gnasg alpha s, galphas, gasX. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 18 to NF stage 19neural plate
gna13G alpha 13X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 18 to NF stage 19neural plate
gnaqG alpha q, g-alpha-q, gaq, gnaq-a, gnaq-b, G(q)X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 18 to NF stage 19neural plate
gnai2G alpha i, Gi2, gip, gnai2b, LOC108714595X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 18 to NF stage 19neural plate
gnasg alpha s, galphas, gasX. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 23 to NF stage 24cranial neural crest
neural tube
gna13G alpha 13X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 23 to NF stage 24presomitic mesoderm
cranial neural crest
gnai2G alpha i, Gi2, gip, gnai2b, LOC108714595X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 23 to NF stage 24presomitic mesoderm
neural tube
gnaqG alpha q, g-alpha-q, gaq, gnaq-a, gnaq-b, G(q)X. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 23 to NF stage 24presomitic mesoderm
cranial neural crest
neural tube
gnasg alpha s, galphas, gasX. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 9 to NF stage 10animal hemisphere
dorsal marginal zone
gna13G alpha 13X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 9 to NF stage 10dorsal marginal zone
animal hemisphere
gnaqG alpha q, g-alpha-q, gaq, gnaq-a, gnaq-b, G(q)X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 9 to NF stage 10dorsal marginal zone
animal hemisphere
gnai2G alpha i, Gi2, gip, gnai2b, LOC108714595X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 9 to NF stage 10dorsal marginal zone
animal hemisphere

Image source: Published

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