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Figure 1. Xenopus appl1 is expressed in the developing pancreas and SD of tadpole stage embryos. A-I: Whole mount in situ hybridization data for appl1 expression. A, B: Blastula and gastrula embryos bisected after whole mount in situ hybridization. C, D: Anterodorsal view. E: Lateral view. F: Dorsal view. G-I: Whole mount in situ hybridization on dissected whole guts. J: Western blot revealed temporal expression of appl1 during Xenopus embryogenesis. Beta-actin served as a protein loading control. K: RT-PCR analysis of appl1 temporal expression. UE, unfertilized egg. N, negative control. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was used as the RNA loading control.