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Figure 5. Expression domains of selected molecular marker genes validates the pronephric segmentation model. Whole-mount in situ hybridizations of stage 35/36 Xenopus embryos were performed. Lateral views of whole embryos (left panels), enlargements of the pronephric region (middle panels), and color-coded schematic representations of the segment-restricted expression domains (right panels) are shown. (a) cldn8: intermediate tubule (IT)2. Note that the expression levels are low. Arrowheads indicate the proximal and distal boundaries of the cldn8 expression domain. (b,d) cldn14 and cldn16: intermediate tubule, distal tubule (DT)1. (d) cldn19: nephrostomes (arrowheads), intermediate tubule. (e) clcnk: intermediate tubule, distal tubule, connecting tubule. Note that the dotted staining pattern localizes to cells of the epidermis. The localization of the clcnk expression domains has previously been reported [22] and is shown here for comparative purposes. (f) kcnj1: IT1, distal tubule, connecting tubule. The arrowhead indicates the location of IT2, which fails to express kcnj1. (g) calb1: connecting tubule. The arrowhead indicates the proximal boundary of the expression domain. Expression is highest in the most distal parts of the connecting tubule.

Image published in: Raciti D et al. (2008)

Copyright © 2008 Raciti et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

cldn8.4claudin-8X. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36distal tubule
pronephric kidney
cldn14.Lclaudin-14, DFNB29X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36distal tubule
pronephric kidney
early distal tubule
late distal tubule
cldn16.Lclaudin-16, LOC108718049, PCLN1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36distal tubule
pronephric kidney
early distal tubule
late distal tubule
clcnkb.LClC-k, clc-kb, clckb, clcnka, clk-k2, LOC108703568, xClC-kX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36distal tubule
pronephric kidney
pronephric duct
early distal tubule
late distal tubule
kcnj1.Lkir1.1, MGC68935, ROMK, romk1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36distal tubule
pronephric kidney
pronephric duct
early distal tubule
late distal tubule
calb1.Lcalb, calb1-a, calb1-b, calbindinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36head
pharyngeal region
otic vesicle
pronephric duct

Image source: Published

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