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Elife 2022 Jul 15;11. doi: 10.7554/eLife.75741.
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A non-transcriptional function of Yap regulates the DNA replication program in Xenopus laevis.

Meléndez García R , Haccard O , Chesneau A , Narassimprakash H , Roger J , Perron M , Marheineke K , Bronchain O .

In multicellular eukaryotic organisms, the initiation of DNA replication occurs asynchronously throughout S-phase according to a regulated replication timing program. Here, using Xenopus egg extracts, we showed that Yap (Yes-associated protein 1), a downstream effector of the Hippo signalling pathway, is required for the control of DNA replication dynamics. We found that Yap is recruited to chromatin at the start of DNA replication and identified Rif1, a major regulator of the DNA replication timing program, as a novel Yap binding protein. Furthermore, we show that either Yap or Rif1 depletion accelerates DNA replication dynamics by increasing the number of activated replication origins. In Xenopus embryos, using a Trim-Away approach during cleavage stages devoid of transcription, we found that either Yap or Rif1 depletion triggers an acceleration of cell divisions, suggesting a shorter S-phase by alterations of the replication program. Finally, our data show that Rif1 knockdown leads to defects in the partitioning of early versus late replication foci in retinal stem cells, as we previously showed for Yap. Altogether, our findings unveil a non-transcriptional role for Yap in regulating replication dynamics. We propose that Yap and Rif1 function as brakes to control the DNA replication program in early embryos and post-embryonic stem cells.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 35838349
??? Elife
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: gmnn lss rif1 trim21 yap1
GO keywords: DNA replication [+]
???displayArticle.antibodies??? FLAG Ab2 H3f3a Ab33 Rif1 Ab1 Tuba4a Ab3 Yap1 Ab5
???displayArticle.morpholinos??? rif1 MO1 yap1 MO7

???attribute.lit??? ???
External Resources: Proteomic dataset PXD029345 on PRIDE

References [+] :
Alver, Reversal of DDK-Mediated MCM Phosphorylation by Rif1-PP1 Regulates Replication Initiation and Replisome Stability Independently of ATR/Chk1. 2017, Pubmed, Xenbase