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Summary Literature (5)
Literature for OMIM 114500: COLORECTAL CANCER; CRC

Xenbase Articles:
( Denotes literature images)
The colorectal cancer risk at 18q21 is caused by a novel variant altering SMAD7 expression., Pittman AM,Naranjo S,Webb E,Broderick P,Lips EH,van Wezel T,Morreau H,Sullivan K,Fielding S,Twiss P,Vijayakrishnan J,Casares F,Qureshi M,Gómez-Skarmeta JL,Houlston RS, Genome Res. June 1, 2009; 19(6):1549-5469.
Derricin and derricidin inhibit Wnt/β-catenin signaling and suppress colon cancer cell growth in vitro., Fonseca BF,Predes D,Cerqueira DM,Amado NG,Cayres MC,Kuster RM,Mendes FA,Abreu JG,Reis AH,Oliveira FL, PLoS One. March 16, 2015; 10(3):1932-6203.
TALEN-mediated apc mutation in Xenopus tropicalis phenocopies familial adenomatous polyposis., Naert T,Tran HT,Van Imschoot G,Geurs S,Creytens D,Van Roy F,Vleminckx K,Vleminckx K,Van Nieuwenhuysen T,Sanders E, Oncoscience. May 19, 2015; 2(5):2331-4737.
Rspo2 antagonizes FGF signaling during vertebrate mesoderm formation and patterning., Reis AH,Sokol SY, Development. May 27, 2020; 147(10):1477-9129.
Wnt/beta-catenin signaling: components, mechanisms, and diseases., MacDonald BT,Tamai K,He X, Dev Cell. July 1, 2009; 17(1):1878-1551.