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Fig. 3. Expression patterns of possible novel genes. The left column shows cluster (gene) names and the right panels, show expression patterns visualized by WISH. Developmental stages according to Nieuwkoop and Faber (1967) (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1967) and orientations of embryos are indicated on the bottom of each panel: D, dorsal; L, lateral; A, anterior. (A) Genes which were expressed in the anterior neural plate or anterior neural ridge, or both. (B) Genes which were expressed in eye anlagen together with or without the neural ridge. (C) Genes which were widely expressed in the neural plate or neural ridge, or both. (D) Genes which were expressed in the neural tissue as well as other tissues.

Image published in: Takahashi N et al. (2005)

Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher.

sfrp2.SMGC53344, sfrp-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 11.5ectoderm
pdcd10.SX. laevisThroughout NF stage 12neural plate
pre-chordal neural plate
chordal neural plate
sema6d.Lsemaphorin 6D4X. laevisThroughout NF stage 12dorsal
lrrc1.Lscrp1X. laevisSometime during NF stage 12 to NF stage 15
nono.Lnmt55, nrb54, p54nrb, xp54nrbX. laevisThroughout NF stage 12.5ectoderm
anterior placodal area
utp15.Lflj12787X. laevisThroughout NF stage 15neural plate
rpl32.LLOC108715857X. laevisThroughout NF stage 15neural plate
eye primordium
optic vesicle
optic field
cranial neural crest
cdkn2aip.Lcdkn2aip-a, cdkn2aip-bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 15neural plate
pre-chordal neural plate
anterior neural fold
pdcd10.SX. laevisThroughout NF stage 15neural plate
pre-chordal neural plate
chordal neural plate
cranial neural crest
XB972976.LX. laevisSometime during NF stage 15 to NF stage 22
sema6d.Lsemaphorin 6D4X. laevisThroughout NF stage 16anterior neural fold
anterior neural ridge
nono.Lnmt55, nrb54, p54nrb, xp54nrbX. laevisThroughout NF stage 17neural plate
pre-chordal neural plate
chordal neural plate
preplacodal ectoderm
sfrp2.SMGC53344, sfrp-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 19chordal neural plate
anterior neural fold
preplacodal ectoderm
neural plate
cdkn2aip.Lcdkn2aip-a, cdkn2aip-bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 20eye primordium
anterior neural tube
lrrc1.Lscrp1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 20eye primordium
optic vesicle
archenteron floor
gastrocoel roof plate
nono.Lnmt55, nrb54, p54nrb, xp54nrbX. laevisThroughout NF stage 20eye primordium
neural tube
posterior neural tube
anterior neural tube
pdcd10.SX. laevisThroughout NF stage 21eye primordium
neural tube
anterior neural tube
sema6d.Lsemaphorin 6D4X. laevisThroughout NF stage 21neural tube
posterior neural tube
anterior neural tube
utp15.Lflj12787X. laevisThroughout NF stage 22chordal neural plate
anterior neural fold
preplacodal ectoderm
rpl32.LLOC108715857X. laevisThroughout NF stage 22eye
neural tube
posterior neural tube
anterior neural tube
cranial neural crest
mandibular crest
hyoid crest
branchial crest

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