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FIG. 2. Immunocytochemical characterization of XIP3R during oogenesis by light microscopy. Subcellular distributions of XIP3R at various stages of oocyte development detected by light microscopy using a XIP3R-specific polyclonal antibody. (A) XIP3R is distributed throughout the cytoplasm of stage I/II oocytes where yolk granules have not yet developed. (B) In early stage III oocytes, in which yolk granules have begun to develop, XIP3R is localized to streams of yolk-free cytoplasm throughout the oocyte surrounding the centrally placed GV. (C) In late stage III oocytes, which have begun to acquire polarity, XIP3R shows a distribution localized to the cortical region (white arrowheads) and perinuclear region (white arrow). (D) In late stage IV oocytes, the localization of XIP3R resembles that of fully grown stage VI oocytes. XIP3R is localized on the reticular network of intracellular structures (small arrow) and in the perinuclear region (large arrow). GV, germinal vesicle. Scale bar, 100 mm, A to D.

Image published in: Kume S et al. (1997)

Copyright © 1997. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

itpr1.Sip3r, LOC108714625, xip3rX. laevisSometime during oocyte stage I to oocyte stage IIcytoplasm
itpr1.Sip3r, LOC108714625, xip3rX. laevisThroughout oocyte stage IIIcytoplasm
subcortical cytoplasm
itpr1.Sip3r, LOC108714625, xip3rX. laevisThroughout oocyte stage IVoocyte
subcortical cytoplasm

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