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Fig. 3. Spatial expression of rnmt. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of wild type albino embryos at developmental NF stages 10 to 21. At gastrulation; stage 10 and 12, transcripts of rnmt are visible in the animal hemisphere but not in the vegetal (blastopore) (yellow arrowheads; A-D). During early and late neurulation transcripts are detectable in the anterior neural plate (anp), and the neural tube (nt) (E-H). At stage 21 transcripts were detected in the prospective eye anlage (G,H). (I-L) rnmt expres- sion during embryonic development. (I,J) Lateral and anterior view of an embryo at stage 24. rnmt transcript were detectable in the eye anlage (ea) and brain (b) The expression in the branchial arches (ba) and the spinal cord (sc) isrelatively weak. (L,M) Lateral and anterior view of an embryo at stage 27. Similar to stage 24 rnmt is detectable in the brain (b) eye vesicle (ev), the spinal cord (sc) and the branchial arches (ba). (K,N) Transverse sections of stage 24 and stage 27 embryos show expression in the eye vesicle (ev), procencephalon (pc) and mesencephalon (mc). (O-T) Expres- sion of rnmt during late tail bud stages. (O) Lateral view of the head of a stage 30 embryo. rnmt is expressed in the eye vesicle (ev), otic vesicle (ov) and the branchial arches (ba). Yellow dotted lines indicate the level of sections shown in e & f. (P). Dorsal view of stage 30 embryo. Expression in forebrain (fb) and midbrain (mb) is visible, while a weak expression is seen in hind brain (hb). (S). Lateral view of the head of a stage 36 embryo. rnmt mRNA is localized in the neural system, ventral branchial arches and ventral aorta. Yellow dotted lines indicate the level of sections shown in G & H. (T). Dorsal view of stage 36 embryo. rnmt mRNA transcript is vis- ible in eyes and the brain region. (Q,R,U,V). Transverse sections through Xenopus embryos at indicated stages. (Q) rnmt is expressed in the eye vesicle (ev), prosencephalon (pc), mesencephalon (mc) and head mesen- chyme (hm). (R) rnmt expression can be viewed in inter neuronal region of the hind brain (hb), otic vesicle (ov) and branchial arches (ba). (U). rnmt is expressed in mid brain (mc), retina (r), lens (l), head mesenchyme (hm), branchial arches (ba) and ventral aorta (va). (V) rnmt expression is seen in ventral inter neurons (vi) of the hind brain and the otic vesicle (ov).

Image published in: Lokapally A et al. (2016)

Copyright © 2016. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, University of the Basque Country Press.

rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10ectoderm
animal hemisphere
rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 12ectoderm
animal hemisphere
rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 15eye primordium
anterior neural fold
neural plate
pre-chordal neural plate
neural groove
rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 21optic vesicle
anterior neural fold
pre-chordal neural plate
rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 24optic vesicle
pharyngeal arch
spinal cord
rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 27retina
optic vesicle
rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30pharyngeal arch
otic vesicle
rnmt.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36pharyngeal arch
mandibular arch
hyoid arch
branchial arch
ventral aorta
otic vesicle
head mesenchyme

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