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Figure 1. Expression and activity of the two dermatan sulfate epimerases inXenopus embryos. (A) Protein structures. Xenopus DS-epi1 and DS-epi2 contain cleavable signalpeptides (arrows), an epimerase domain, and two transmembrane domains. In DSepi1, the catalytic residues His-205, Tyr-261, and His-450 are indicated, which are also conserved in DS-epi2. DS-epi2 contains an additional sulfotransferase-like domain. (B) RT-PCR analysis. Histone H4 is used as the loading control. A minimum of two experiments (n≥2) was performed with three independent biological samples. (C) DS epimerase activity in early Xenopus embryos. Mean ±SDEV from triplicates. Two independent experiments. (D-E’) Whole-mount in situ hybridization of neurula embryos in the dorsal view (D,E) and transversal section (D’,E’). The arrowheads label the pre-migratory CNC cells. The dashed looped line demarcates the Snail2+ CNC embedded in the Dse expression domain. (F) qPCR analysis in CNC explants at stage 18. c-Myc was used as a CNC cell marker. Note that Dse but not Dsel mRNA is be detected. Mean ±SDEV from triplicates. Number of biological replicates n=4. (G-I’) Tailbud embryos in the lateral view (G-I) and horizontal section (G’-I’). Note that Dse and Dsel overlap with Twist expression in migrating CNC cells. Section planes are indicated with dashed straight lines. br, branchial arch segments; CNC, cranial neural crest; epi, epidermis; hy, hyoid segment; ma, mandibular segment; no, notochord; SP, signal peptide; TM, transmembrane domains.

Image published in: Gouignard N et al. (2016)

© 2016. Creative Commons Attribution license

dse.LDS-epi1, SART2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 17non-neural ectoderm
cranial neural crest
premigratory neural crest cell
snai2.Lslug, snai2-a, snai2-b, Snail2, xSlu, xslug, XSnail2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 17cranial neural crest
dse.LDS-epi1, SART2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30pharyngeal arch
mandibular arch
hyoid arch
branchial arch
cranial neural crest
migratory neural crest cell
dselC18orf4, LOC108717926X. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30cranial neural crest
migratory neural crest cell
pharyngeal arch
mandibular arch
hyoid arch
branchial arch
twist1.Stwist, twist1-a, twist1-b, X-twi, Xtwi, XtwistX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30migratory neural crest cell
pharyngeal arch
mandibular arch
hyoid arch
branchial arch

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