Larger Image Fig. S4.
Expression patterns of 4 shifted expressed gene families: UPS53/54 (AâD), ABI (EâH), VPS26 (IâL) and NCOA (MâQ). K: amphioxus larva at 12 h post-fertilization. Q: cross section at the position indicated in P, the expression was detected mainly in the gut (arrowheads). Scale bars: 1 mm (A, B, E, F, I, J, MâO); 100 μm (C, D, G, H, K, L, P). Image published in: Chen Y et al. (2011) Copyright © 2011. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.Gene Synonyms Species Stage(s) Tissue usp53.L X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 brain telencephalon diencephalon spinal cord central nervous system usp54.L LOC108697504 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 hindbrain eye abi1.L LOC108718781 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 spinal cord pharyngeal arch central nervous system forebrain otic vesicle abi2.L abi-2, xlan4 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain spinal cord eye central nervous system vps26a.L hb58, hbeta58, pep8a, vps26, vps26a-a, vps26a-b X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain spinal cord eye central nervous system head vps26b.L pep8b, vps26b-a, vps26b-b X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain spinal cord eye central nervous system head ncoa1.L bhlhe42, bhlhe74, kat13a, rip160, src-1, src1, Xsrc1 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 brain forebrain telencephalon diencephalon spinal cord eye central nervous system foregut ncoa3.L actr, aib-1, aib1, bHLHe42, cagh16, ctg26, kat13b, LOC108701773, pcip, rac3, src-3, src3, tnrc14, tnrc16, tram-1, xSRC-3 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 32 brain hindbrain midbrain-hindbrain boundary spinal cord central nervous system head anterior ventral blood island ncoa2.L bhlhe75, grip1, kat13c, ncoa-2, src2, tif2, XTIF2 X. laevis Sometime during NF stage 32 to NF stage 46 spinal cord eye head anterior ventral blood island retinal blood vessel
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