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Larger Image Figure 1. Expression and activity of SOX18 beta . A: Fertilized eggs were analyzed by RT-PCR for SOX18 RNA at various stages. A weak signal was observed in pre-MBT embryos, but strong expression was detected by stage 10. When animal caps and vegetal masses were analyzed at stage 9.5, SOX18 beta mRNA appeared to be present at similar levels in both regions. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was used as a control for RNA quality throughout. B: In situ hybridization staining with an anti-sense SOX18 beta probe revealed expression primarily in the anterior region of stage 30 embryos; at earlier stages no consistent, region-specific staining was observed and no staining was observed using a sense probe (data not shown). C: To define the regional distribution of SOX7 and SOX18 in the gastrula (stage 10/11) embryos, such embryos were dissected into four regions: Spemann Organizer/Dorsal marginal zone ( ldquo SO rdquo ), lateral marginal zones ( ldquo MZ rdquo ), and ventral marginal zone ( ldquo VZ rdquo ). The schematic shows these regions. D: RNA was isolated from the various regions and used for RT-PCR analysis (30 cycles); SOX7 and SOX18 RNAs were found in the SO and MZ, but not in the VZ region; Hex RNA was restricted to the SO region. Ornithine decarboxylase ( ldquo ODC rdquo ) was found to be uniformly distributed in all four regions. E: A similar analysis was carried out with neurula stage embryos (stage 16/17); these embryos were dissected into anterior dorsal ( ldquo AD rdquo ), anterior ventral ( ldquo AV rdquo ), posterior dorsal ( ldquo PD rdquo ), and posterior ventral ( ldquo PV rdquo ) regions and RT-PCR analysis was performed. F: Using 27 cycles of amplification, we found SOX7 and SOX18 RNA in both anterior regions, but little if any in the posterior regions. Hex and Nkx2.5 RNAs were found in the AV region only, while NCAM RNA (a marker of neural specification) was found in the two dorsal regions (AD and PD) but not in ventral regions. G: When 30 cycles of PCR were used, Tbx5 and MHC alpha , but not TnIc RNAs, could be detected in the anterior ventral region of the embryo. Images in parts C and E are modified from Nieuwkoop and Faber ([1967]). Image published in: Zhang C et al. (2005) Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.
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