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Fig. 1. XMLC2 is expressed throughout the myocardium of developing Xenopus tadpole. (A) The myosin light chain 2a gene is expressed throughout the heart of the Xenopus tadpole (stage 42). At higher magnification (B), expression is evident in both atrial and ventricular chambers as well as the outflow tract. Ventral views of the heart-forming region reveal XMLC2 expression in bilateral patches of cardiac mesoderm (C) prior to heart tube formation (stage 28). Subsequent formation of a contractile myocardial tube (D; stage 32), looping of the heart tube (E; stage 35) and differentiation of distinct atrial and ventricular chambers (F; stage 42) is clearly visible. Red arrows indicate direction of blood flow (posterior to anterior). (G-J) Transverse sections through the looped heart tube (stage 35) show expression in the myocardial walls of the outflow tract (ot), ventricular (v) and atrial (a) regions and the sinus venosus (sv).

Image published in: Latinkic BV et al. (2004)

Copyright © 2004. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

myl2.Scmh10, mlc2, XMLC2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 28cardiac mesoderm
myl2.Scmh10, mlc2, XMLC2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 32cardiac mesoderm
myl2.Scmh10, mlc2, XMLC2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36cardiac ventricle
left atrium
right atrium
outflow tract
myl2.Scmh10, mlc2, XMLC2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 42heart
cardiac ventricle
left atrium
right atrium
outflow tract

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