Larger Image Figure 1. Expression patterns of homeobox genes and double staining for bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and gene expression in stage 63 dorsal and ventral ciliary marginal zone (CMZ). In all dorsal CMZ panels (A,A prime ,C,C prime ,E,E prime ,G,G prime ,I,I prime ,K,K prime ), central retina is to the top-left and peripheral to the right. In all ventral CMZ panels (B,B prime ,D,D prime ,F,F prime ,H,H prime ,J,J prime ,L,L prime ), central retina is to the top-right and peripheral to the bottom-left. Expression of the genes is depicted in blue and BrdU in red. Dorsal and ventral CMZ are as indicated. A,B: Xrx1. A prime ,B prime : Double-staining BrdU and Xrx1. C,D: Xsix3. C prime ,D prime : Double-staining BrdU and Xsix3. E,F: Xotx2. E prime ,F prime : Double-staining BrdU and Xotx2. G,H: Xpax6. G prime ,H prime : Double-staining BrdU and Xpax6. I,J: Xchx10. I prime ,J prime : Double-staining BrdU and Xchx10. K,L: Xvax2. K prime ,L prime : Double-staining BrdU and Xvax2. B Prime ,D Prime ,F Prime ,H Prime ,J Prime , L Prime : In situ hybridizations on the central region of the retina. Genes are as indicated. Brackets in B prime ,D prime ,F prime ,H prime ,J prime ,L prime indicate zones I, II, and III of the CMZ. ONL, outer nuclear layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer. Image published in: Casarosa S et al. (2005) Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.
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