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Figure 8. Neuropilin expression pattern in Xenopus laevis. A: Nrp1 expression at neurula stage, dorsal view of the embryo. B: Anterior view of A. C: Nrp1 expression in the posterior branchial arches at late neurula stage. D: Nrp1 expression at the tadpole stage. E: Higher magnification of the head shown in D. F: Nrp2 expression at the neurula stage. G: Anterior view of F. H: Nrp2 expression at late neurula stage. I: Nrp2 expression at tadpole stage. K: Higher magnification of the head shown in I. L: Schematic representation of the Sema3A/Nrp1 expression and the Sema3F/Nrp2 expression (M) of a stage-28 tadpole embryo. N: Transverse section through the trunk region of an Nrp1-expressing tadpole stage embryo. O: Transverse section showing somitic expression of Nrp2 in a tadpole stage embryo. P: Schematic picture of the Nrp1/Sema3A and Nrp2/Sema3F co-expression in a transverse section of the trunk of a tadpole-stage embryo. ba, branchial arches; cg, cement gland; en, endoderm; hc, hypochord; hy, hyoidal neural crest cells; ma, mandibular neural crest cells; mh, midbrain hindbrain boundary; nt, neural tube; no, notochord; pnc, premigratory neural crest cells; r3, rhombomere 3; r5, rhombomere 5; s, somites; sc, spinal cord.

Image published in: Koestner U et al. (2008)

Copyright © 2008. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

nrp1.LA5 antigen, LOC108718763, neuropilin, neuropilin-1, np-1, npn-1, nrp, nrp-1, pNPG152X. laevisThroughout NF stage 18preplacodal ectoderm
neural crest
neural tube
cranial neural crest
anterior neural fold
nrp2.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 18paraxial mesoderm
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
cement gland primordium
nrp1.LA5 antigen, LOC108718763, neuropilin, neuropilin-1, np-1, npn-1, nrp, nrp-1, pNPG152X. laevisThroughout NF stage 24neural tube
branchial arch
rhombomere R5
anterior branchial crest
posterior branchial crest
nrp2.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 24cranial neural crest
mandibular crest
periocular region
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
intersomitic region
nrp1.LA5 antigen, LOC108718763, neuropilin, neuropilin-1, np-1, npn-1, nrp, nrp-1, pNPG152X. laevisThroughout NF stage 27endoderm
neural tube
spinal cord
rhombomere R5
branchial arch
nrp2.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 28ventral
mandibular crest
hyoid crest
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
intersomitic region
periocular region

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