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Fig. 3. Comparison of the localization of XMEF2C mRNA with the muscle markers by whole-mount in situ hybridization. (A) Expression of MyHC E3 and XMEF2C (left and middle respectively) at stages 39–40 (left). Double in situ hybridization of XMEF2C (purple) and E3 (blue) shows that XMEF2C mRNA is expressed in cells localized between streams of hypaxial muscle (right, stage 41). (B) XMEF2C is expressed in intersomitic space. Comparison of hybridization with XMRF4 (left top), XMEF2C (left middle), and cohybridization with XMRF4 and XMEF2C (left bottom). The thin XMEF2C expression is distinct from the thick XMRF4 expression. Double in situ hybridization shows that XMRF4 or XMEF2A mRNA (purple) accumulates around the large and centrally localized nuclei of mononucleated muscle cells (Kiełbówna, and Daczewska, 2005) while XMEF2C mRNA (blue) is restricted to intersomitic space. Frontal section indicates that XMEF2C mRNA is found throughout the intersomitic space (C) XMEF2C is strongly expressed in the head at the muscle-border zone corresponding to connective tissue associated with muscle at stage 41. XMEF2A and XMEF2D are expressed in muscle cells as indicated by XMRF4 expression. (D) Comparison of the localization of XMEF2C mRNA and pax3 mRNA at stages 37–38. Lateral view shows that pax3 mRNA (left) is more concentrated in the anterior and posterior side of somites while MEF2C mRNA (middle) is restricted to the intersomitic region. Frontal section (right) indicates that pax3 expression is limited to the external border of somites. The probe is indicated in each image. Arrows indicate XMEF2C expression except in D where they show intersomitic space.

Image published in: della Gaspera B et al. (2009)

Copyright © 2009. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

mef2c.LXMEF2CX. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38connective tissue
intersomitic region
mef2c.LXMEF2CX. laevisThroughout NF stage 39hypaxial muscle
intersomitic region
head region
connective tissue
jaw muscle
myf6.Lherculin, mrf4, myf6-a, myf6-b, Xmrf4, XMRF4-a, XMRF4aX. laevisSometime during NF stage 39 to NF stage 40muscle
paraxial mesoderm
jaw muscle
head mesoderm
myh4.Lmhc, MHC A7, MHC E3, myh2b, myhc-2b, myhc E3, myhc-iib, myhe3X. laevisThroughout NF stage 39 to NF stage 40muscle
paraxial mesoderm
hypaxial muscle
pax3.Scdhs, hup2, pax-3, pax3-a, pax3-b, Waardenburg syndrome 1, ws1, xpax3X. laevisThroughout NF stage 40somite
paraxial mesoderm
mef2d.Smef2d-a, mef2d-b, sl1, XMEF2DX. laevisThroughout NF stage 41head
jaw muscle
mef2a.Ladcad1, rsrfc4, rsrfc9, sl2, xmef2aX. laevisThroughout NF stage 41head
myf6.Lherculin, mrf4, myf6-a, myf6-b, Xmrf4, XMRF4-a, XMRF4aX. laevisThroughout NF stage 41head
jaw muscle
mef2c.LXMEF2CX. laevisThroughout NF stage 41head region
connective tissue

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