Larger Image Figure 9. Expression of a CG10576-related gene. A: At late gastrula stages, the ectodermal expression of 2G4 is enhanced on the dorsal side (d. ecto; v. ecto, ventral ectoderm; side view). B: At neural plate stages, 2G4 is expressed diffusely throughout the neural plate, preplacodal ectoderm (PPE), and dorsal epidermis (anterolateral view). C: 2G4 is expressed throughout the neural tube, retina, PPE, cranial neural crest, and epidermis (anterior view). D: At tail bud stages, 2G4 is intensely expressed in the retina, diencephalon (di), hindbrain, placodes (olf, L, oto), branchial arches, and weakly in the nephric mesoderm (side view). E: At larval stages, the neural tube expression expands to the dorsal spinal cord, and nephric mesoderm staining is prominent (side view). F,G: Transverse sections at hindbrain (F) and spinal (G) levels demonstrate neural (hb, sc), branchial arch, otocyst, epidermal and nephric mesoderm expression. Image published in: Neilson KM et al. (2010) Copyright © 2010. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.
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