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Fig. 5. Spatial expression pattern of xtYap during the early develop- ment of Xenopus tropicalis. (A-K) Spatial expression of xtYap was ana- lyzed by whole-mount in situ hybrid- ization. Anterior is at the left of each panel. (A) Unfertilized egg, (B) 8-cell stage, (C) early gastrula, (G) tailbud stage, (H) late tailbud stage, and (I) tadpole stage in lateral view. (D) Late gastrula, (E) neurula stage, and (F) late neurula stage in dorsal view. (J) Transverse section of (E). (K) Trans- verse section of (G). The line position is indicated in (E,G). Scale bars, 50 m. Abbreviations: ba, branchial arch; ca, cloaca; cn, center of neural plate; fc, facial connective tissues; hg, hind- gut; mh, midbrain-hindbrain boundary; nc, neural crest; nt, notochord; ov, otic vesicle; ph, pronephros; sc, spinal cord; tb, tailbud.

Image published in: Nejigane S et al. (2011)

Copyright © 2011. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, University of the Basque Country Press.

yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 10.5animal cap
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 12involuted dorsal mesoderm
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 15chordal neural plate
cranial neural crest
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 20intermediate mesoderm
neural tube
cranial neural crest
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30otic vesicle
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
trunk neural crest
tail bud
spinal cord
pronephric nephron
late proximal tubule
late distal tubule
pronephric tubule
connective tissue
head region
pharyngeal arch
branchial arch
post-anal gut
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36otic vesicle
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
connective tissue
head region
pharyngeal arch
branchial arch
pronephric nephrostome
pronephric nephron
late proximal tubule
late distal tubule
pronephric tubule
dorsal longitudinal anastomosing vessel
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 40otic vesicle
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
tail bud
pronephric kidney
connective tissue
head region
pharyngeal arch
branchial arch
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 4 (8-cell)animal blastomere
yap1xyap, yap, yap2, yap65, ykiX. tropicalisThroughout unfertilized egg stageanimal pole

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