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Fig. 1. xKIFI3B expression characteristics during oogenesis and embryogenesis. (A–G) xKIF13B mRNA was detected by whole mount in situ hybridization. During oogenesis, xKIF138 mRNA localizes to the tip of the vegetal cortex; A. early (stage II) oocytes; and B, late (stage III–IV) oocytes. At the 4-cell stage, xKIFI3B mRNA is enriched in the granular germ plasm islands at the vegetal pole (C, vegetal pole view). At gastrula stage, the transcript is detected in the region of the primordial germ cells (D, blastoporus view). During neurulation, xKIF13B mRNA starts to be expressed in the neural tube and in the cranial neural crest cells (E, anterior view, and F, dorsal view). At tailbud stage, xKIFI3B mRNA is expressed in PGCs (arrow), neural crest cells, brain, spinal cord and notochord (G, lateral view of the embryo with the head to the left).

Image published in: Tarbashevich K et al. (2011)

Copyright © 2011. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

kif13b.LLOC108718298, xKIF13bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10.5germ plasm
primordial germ cell
vegetal pole
vegetal yolk mass
kif13b.LLOC108718298, xKIF13bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 20trigeminal placode
eye primordium
axial mesoderm
neural tube
posterior neural tube
kif13b.LLOC108718298, xKIF13bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 28germ cell
germ plasm
primordial germ cell
optic vesicle
optic field
trigeminal ganglion
trigeminal nerve
trunk neural crest
migratory neural crest cell
pineal gland
cranial placode
spinal cord
kif13b.LLOC108718298, xKIF13bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 3 (4-cell)germ plasm
vegetal pole
kif13b.LLOC108718298, xKIF13bX. laevisThroughout unfertilized egg stagevegetal pole

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