Fig. 4. Whole mount in situ hybridization with an antisense xCOUP-TF-A RNA probe (A-D) and an antisense xCOUP-TF-B RNA probe (E-H). (A)
Lateral view of a stage 18 embryo; the arrow indicates the anterior border of the hindbrain expression domain. (B) Dorsal sideview of a stage 28 tailbud.
(C) Anterior part of a stage 31 embryo; an arrow indicates the mid-hindbrain border, rhombomeres are numbered. (D) Stage 26 embryo, stained
for a prolonged time to show the somite expression. (E) stage 18 embryo, arrow points to hindbrain expression. (F) stage 25 embryo, dorsal sideview.
(G) Anterior part of a stage 31 embryo, arrow indicates anterior border of hindbrain, rhombomeres are numbered. (H) Dorsal view of the head of a
stage 31 embryo. o in C, F, and G indicates the position of the otic vesicle. All embryos were cleared with Murray (benzyl alcohobbenzyl benzoate
1:2), except for B and F. Anterior is to the left.