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Fig. 1. Pronephros expression of xBic-C. (A–C) Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis of xBic-C at (A) stage 30 and (B) stage 38 showing expression in the pronephric tubules and duct. (C) Close up of B; arrows indicate the expression of Bicaudal-C in the three nephrostomes. (D) Schematic diagram of the amphibian pronephros. (E, F) Anterior and posterior transverse section of (B) showing xBic-C expression in the tubules and duct, respectively. (G) Double in situ hybridization with WT-1 (purple) and xBic-C (turquoise). Note that xBic-C is expressed only in the epithelial components of the pronephros, whereas WT-1 is expressed specifically in the glomus. Inserts in E–G are close-ups of the pronephric region highlighting the epithelium-specific expression of Bicaudal-C.

Image published in: Tran U et al. (2007)

Copyright © 2007. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

bicc1.SBicaudal C, Bicaudal-C, bicc, bicc1-a, bicc1-b, x-Bic-C, xBic-CX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30spinal cord
pharyngeal arch
pronephric mesenchyme
bicc1.SBicaudal C, Bicaudal-C, bicc, bicc1-a, bicc1-b, x-Bic-C, xBic-CX. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38pronephric kidney
pronephric duct
pronephric tubule
early distal tubule
early proximal tubule
wt1.Swt-1, wt1-a, wt1-b, Xwt-1, xwt1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38glomus

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