Larger Image FIG. 6. Comparison in stage 40 Xenopus retina of X-Notch-1 or neuroD expressions with that of genes involved in cellular determination of retinal cells. (A) Comparison of Xotx2 and neuroD expression patterns. Double in situ hybridizations were performed as in Fig. 1 with Xotx2 in deep purple and neuroD in red. (A) Xotx2 expression was seen in cells in the CMZ and in the central retina, in the outer part of the inner nuclear layer. (B) neuroD labeling was seen in cells in the CMZ and in the central retina, in the outer part of the inner nuclear layer and the outer nuclear layer. C and D show a higher magnification of the CMZ from the sections depicted in A and B, respectively. (E) Double labeling demonstrates that neuroD and Xotx2 expressions start at the same level in the CMZ and that they overlap in the outer part of the inner nuclear layer. Scale bar in A and B, 100 ï°m; scale bar in C, D, and E, 30 um. (F) Comparison of X-Notch-1 and Brn-3.0 expression patterns. Double in situ hybridizations were performed as in Fig. 1 with Brn-3.0 in deep purple and X-Notch-1 in red. (F) Brn-3.0 is only expressed in the ganglion cell layer. (G) X-Notch-1 labeling is detected in the CMZ except in cells in the most peripheral region. H and I show a higher magnification of the CMZ from the sections depicted in F and G, respectively. (J) Double labeling of retina demonstrates that Brn-3.0 and X-Notch-1 expressions do not overlap. Scale bar in F and G, 100 um; scale bar in H, I, and J, 30 um Image published in: Perron M et al. (1998) Copyright © 1998. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.
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