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Figure 6. Eyes generated from induced retinal cells are functional. (A and B) ERG responses of control (WT) and induced eyes (IE) are similar. (A) Representative ERG response of the induced and control eye recorded from the same animal. Traces represent the average of eight or more responses. Flash was 520 nm, 20 ms in duration. Light intensity is indicated. (B) The b-wave magnitudes of two induced eyes (IE1, IE2) increase with flash intensity. Open symbols represent the average of eight control animals. Plot shows meantandard deviation. Averages are fit with a Michaelis-Menten function. (C and D) Background color preference histograms of control (C) and experimental (D) animals. Tadpoles were tested before (unoperated, U), and following single (SA) and double (DA) retinal axotomy. White and black histogram bars indicate average percent time spent on white or black side of test tank. Graphs show meantandard error of the mean. n = number of 2-min trials. (E and F) Sections of the control (E) and induced (F) eyes of the animal tested in (D). Cell nuclei, rod outer segments, and donor-derived retina are blue (DAPI), red (XAP2), and green (Venus YFP), respectively. Scale bar, 100 .

Image published in: Viczian AS et al. (2009)

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