Larger Image Fig. 9. Regionalized expression pattern of clones giving rise to dorso-anteriorized phenotypes. Six clones from this synphenotype group gave rise to restricted
expression patterns. The images are ordered by clone name. For each clone the species and annotation of the closest matching blastx hit is shown.
Abbreviations are: d, dorsal view (stage 15 and 17); l, lateral view (stage 28 and 30); v, vegetal view (stage 11). Image published in: Chen JA et al. (2005) Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.Gene Synonyms Species Stage(s) Tissue foxd4l1 foxd4, foxd4l1.1, foxd4l1.1-a, foxd4l1.1-b, foxd5, foxD5a, FoxD5b, Xfd-12, XFlip, xlFoxD5a, xlFoxD5b, xtFoxD5 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 dorsal marginal zone hes4 H2, hairy2, hairy2a, hairy2b, hes4-a, hes4a, hes4-b, hes4b, Xhairy2, XHairy2a, Xhairy2b X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 marginal zone dorsal nodal nodal4, Nodal homolog 4, nr4, Xnr-4, Xnr4 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 mesoderm axial mesoderm involuted dorsal mesoderm upper blastopore lip calu calumenin, crocalbin X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 dorsal chrd chd, chordin, chrd.1, LOC108716939, X-chordin X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 axial mesoderm upper blastopore lip involuted dorsal mesoderm chrd chd, chordin, chrd.1, LOC108716939, X-chordin X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 15 axial mesoderm notochord sfrp1 frp, frp-1, frp1, frzA, sarp2, XfrzA X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 15 lateral plate mesoderm foxd4l1 foxd4, foxd4l1.1, foxd4l1.1-a, foxd4l1.1-b, foxd5, foxD5a, FoxD5b, Xfd-12, XFlip, xlFoxD5a, xlFoxD5b, xtFoxD5 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 anterior hes4 H2, hairy2, hairy2a, hairy2b, hes4-a, hes4a, hes4-b, hes4b, Xhairy2, XHairy2a, Xhairy2b X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 anterior neural fold neural plate pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate calu calumenin, crocalbin X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 anterior chrd chd, chordin, chrd.1, LOC108716939, X-chordin X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 notochord chordoneural hinge foxd4l1 foxd4, foxd4l1.1, foxd4l1.1-a, foxd4l1.1-b, foxd5, foxD5a, FoxD5b, Xfd-12, XFlip, xlFoxD5a, xlFoxD5b, xtFoxD5 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 29 and 30 otic vesicle branchial arch tail bud anterior dorsal lateral plate region eye spinal cord roof plate intersomitic region hes4 H2, hairy2, hairy2a, hairy2b, hes4-a, hes4a, hes4-b, hes4b, Xhairy2, XHairy2a, Xhairy2b X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 29 and 30 tail bud posterior calu calumenin, crocalbin X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 29 and 30 otic vesicle pharyngeal arch eye forebrain tail region head region sfrp1 frp, frp-1, frp1, frzA, sarp2, XfrzA X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 29 and 30 head region heart duct of Cuvier prechordal plate
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