Larger Image Fig. 4. (a,b) Expression patterns of the single clones identified in the unique full-length set screen. Xenopus tropicalis gastrula, neurula and tailbud stage
embryos were in situ hybridised with antisense probes to the single clones identified in the unique full-length set screen. Gastrula stages embryos are shown
vegetally with dorsal to the top (unless stated otherwise). At neurula stages an anterior and dorsal view is presented. Tailbud embryos are oriented with anterior
to the left and dorsal to the top unless indicated otherwise. In come cases the wholemount images are supplemented by neurula and tailbud stage dissected
embryos. If no specific staining was detected no image is shown. Image published in: Voigt J et al. (2005) Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.Gene Synonyms Species Stage(s) Tissue vangl2 lpp1, ltap, stb1, stbm, stbm1, strabismus, vang, vangl2-a, vangl2-b, vang-like 2, Van Gogh, van gogh-like2, Xstrabismus X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 dorsal marginal zone zic3 xzic3, Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 3 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 dorsal upper blastopore lip dorsal marginal zone zbtb2 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 marginal zone cul1 cullin-1 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 dorsal ectoderm srsf7 9g8, aag3, sfrs7 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 animal hemisphere animal sox2 anop3, LOC108718087, mcops3, Sox-2, XLSOX-2, Xsox-2, XSox2 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 ectoderm animal cap etv1 er81, XER81 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 11 marginal zone vangl2 lpp1, ltap, stb1, stbm, stbm1, strabismus, vang, vangl2-a, vangl2-b, vang-like 2, Van Gogh, van gogh-like2, Xstrabismus X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 neural plate optic field preplacodal ectoderm anterior placodal area pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate zic3 xzic3, Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 3 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 neural plate pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate anterior neural ridge anterior neural fold fzd10 frizzled-10, frizzled10, Fz-10, fz10, fzd10-a, fzd10-b, Xfr9, Xfz10 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 neural plate zbtb2 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 neural plate optic field preplacodal ectoderm anterior placodal area cul1 cullin-1 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 neural plate optic field cranial neural crest preplacodal ectoderm anterior placodal area srsf7 9g8, aag3, sfrs7 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 neural plate optic field cranial neural crest preplacodal ectoderm anterior placodal area pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate mandibular crest branchial crest sox2 anop3, LOC108718087, mcops3, Sox-2, XLSOX-2, Xsox-2, XSox2 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 neural plate mef2d mef2d-a, mef2d-b, sl1, XMEF2D X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 presomitic mesoderm paraxial mesoderm etv1 er81, XER81 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 17 to NF stage 29 and 30 preplacodal ectoderm anterior placodal area neural plate pre-chordal neural plate tail bud posterior vangl2 lpp1, ltap, stb1, stbm, stbm1, strabismus, vang, vangl2-a, vangl2-b, vang-like 2, Van Gogh, van gogh-like2, Xstrabismus X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 pharyngeal arch brain midbrain hindbrain central nervous system spinal cord anterior dorsal lateral plate region zic3 xzic3, Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 3 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 central nervous system spinal cord brain midbrain hindbrain fzd10 frizzled-10, frizzled10, Fz-10, fz10, fzd10-a, fzd10-b, Xfr9, Xfz10 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 central nervous system brain spinal cord midbrain hindbrain zbtb2 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 pharyngeal arch mandibular arch hyoid arch branchial arch eye otic vesicle floor plate trigeminal nerve cranial nerve cephalic nerve cul1 cullin-1 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 otic vesicle pharyngeal arch mandibular arch hyoid arch branchial arch eye hindbrain sox2 anop3, LOC108718087, mcops3, Sox-2, XLSOX-2, Xsox-2, XSox2 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 eye central nervous system brain spinal cord forebrain hindbrain mef2d mef2d-a, mef2d-b, sl1, XMEF2D X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 heart presomitic mesoderm myotome myoblast etv1 er81, XER81 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 otic vesicle midbrain-hindbrain boundary pharyngeal arch srsf7 9g8, aag3, sfrs7 X. tropicalis Throughout NF stage 28 to NF stage 35 and 36 pharyngeal arch mandibular arch hyoid arch branchial arch central nervous system brain spinal cord eye hindbrain pronephric nephrostome pronephric mesenchyme midbrain-hindbrain boundary
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