Fig. 1. The developmental expression of TGF-b5 in Xenopus laevis. Anterior is to the left except in C, G. Cleared embryos (A,B,F,G,I,J). (A) Stage 14; a dorsal
view shows expression at the posterior end of the notochord. (B,C) Stage 21; lateral (B) anterior front (C) views show strong staining in the cement gland
anlage. (D) Stage 25; lateral view, staining in the somites. (E) Stage 27. (E) Lateral view, staining in somites and in the tail bud. (F) Dorsal view of a cleared
embryo; staining in the somites, the posterior tip of notochord, and posterior bilateral regions next to the notochord. (G) Posterior view of the embryo shown in
(F), focussed on the tail bud region. (H) Stage 36; a lateral view; showing staining in the branchial arches and tail region. (I) Stage 42; a lateral view; intense
staining in the head region. (J) Dorsal view of the head region shown in I with intense staining of the branchial arches and olfactory placodes. ba, branchial
arches; cg, cement gland; n, notochord; op, olfactory placodes; sm, somites.
tail region pharyngeal arch mandibular arch hyoid arch branchial arch olfactory region tail tip chordoneural hinge lens periocular region mouth primordium