Fig. 2. Early gene expression in the Xenopus tail bud. Whole-mount in situ hybridisations to show expression of various early genes in the tail bud just after
initiation and during early extension of the tail. Embryos in the left hand column are stage 14. The embryos are viewed from the dorsal side with anterior to
the left, tail bud on the right. The centre column shows the expression patterns at stage 30 as the tail begins to extend. Embryos are viewed from the left side
with anterior to the left, tail bud to the right and dorsal up. The right hand column shows the tail bud expression at stage 30 in more detail. Embryos are
oriented as centre column and are cleared with the exception of (I). (A), X-delta-1; (D), Xlim1; (G), Xnot2; (J), Xbra; (N), Xcad3.