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Fig. 3. immunoperoxidase localization of cingulin in Xenopus embryos at different developmental stages: segmentation (A,B), blastula (C), gastrula (D), tailbud (E), and larval mesothelium (F). In A and B, note that the junctional labeling is bordered by lighter stained areas, and the remaining cortical surface is labeled. The intensity of the cell surface labeling was variable between experiments (e.g., cf. A and C), but was consistently observed. In E, ciliated cells appear darker than non-ciliated cells. Bars = 100 km (A,C,D); 300 +m (B): 50 hm (E,F).

Image published in: Cardellini P et al. (1996)

Copyright © 1996. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

cgn.LcingulinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 7 to NF stage 26embryo

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