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Fig. 2. Whole-mount in situ hybridization analyses demonstrate the localization of XTRAP-γ transcripts. The expression of XTRAP-γ was weakly ubiquitous during all stages of development. (A-F) Localization of XTRAP-γ was observed from stage 12 onward. (D) Condensed XTRAP-γ signals were detected in the otic vesicles (arrowhead) and pronephric tubules (arrow) from stage 25 onward. (E) In the early tadpole stages, XTRAP-γ transcripts were localized in the eyes (arrow). (F) By stage 33/34, XTRAP-γ was expressed in liver (arrow). (G-I) Histology section of the Xenopus embryo from Fig. 2F. e, eye; ov, otic vesicle; p, pronephros; l, liver.

Image published in: Li DH et al. (2005)

Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher.

ssr3.Sssr3-a, ssr3-b, trapg, XTRAP-g, XTRAP-gammaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 12whole organism
axial mesoderm
ssr3.Sssr3-a, ssr3-b, trapg, XTRAP-g, XTRAP-gammaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 14whole organism
anterior neural fold
ssr3.Sssr3-a, ssr3-b, trapg, XTRAP-g, XTRAP-gammaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 16cement gland primordium
ssr3.Sssr3-a, ssr3-b, trapg, XTRAP-g, XTRAP-gammaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 25whole organism
pronephric mesenchyme
cement gland primordium
otic placode
ssr3.Sssr3-a, ssr3-b, trapg, XTRAP-g, XTRAP-gammaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 28eye
whole organism
pronephric mesenchyme
ssr3.Sssr3-a, ssr3-b, trapg, XTRAP-g, XTRAP-gammaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34kidney
pronephric kidney
otic vesicle
pronephric tubule
liver primordium
whole organism
pharyngeal arch
visceral pouch

Image source: Published

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