Larger Image Fig. 4. Comparison of the expression
patterns of XHEN1, XLMO-3, XNGNR-
1 and N-tubulin. (A-J) Stage 14,
25 and 35 Xenopus embryos were
hybridized with probes for XLMO-3,
XHEN1, X- NGNR-1 and N-tubulin.
Embryos are shown in a dorsal (stage
14), dorsal- lateral (stage 25) or lateral
(stage 35) view, with anterior to the left.
At stage 14, XLMO-3 and XHEN1 are
expressed only in two domains which
will become interneurons (I) and
motoneurons (M) of spinal cord, while
X- NGNR-1 and N-tubulin are expressed
also in the domains which will form
sensory neurons (S) besides of these two
medial domains. At stage 25, the
expression patterns for all four probes
are very similar. At stage 35, XHEN1 is
only expressed in the brain region.
(K,L) Transverse sections of Xenopus
embryos hybridized with probes for
XHEN1 and XLMO-3 at stage 20. In the
neural tube, both of XHEN1 and
XLMO-3 are located in the ventral part
of spinal cord which is formed by
interneurons and motoneurons. Image published in: Bao J et al. (2000) Copyright © 2000. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.Gene Synonyms Species Stage(s) Tissue nhlh1.L bhlha35, hen-1, hen1, nhlh1-a, nhlh1-b, nscl, nscl1 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 14 neural plate pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate motor neuron interneuron optic field neuroectoderm tubb2b.L NBT, neural beta-tubulin, NST, N-Tub, n-tubulin, ntubulin, Xn-tubulin X. laevis Throughout NF stage 14 neuron Rohon-Beard neuron motor neuron interneuron spinal cord central nervous system brain neural plate pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate neural groove neural plate border neuroectoderm cranial placode neurogenic placode neurog2.L atoh4, neurog2-a, neurog2-b, neurogenin 2, neurogenin-2, neurogenin2, neurogenin-related-1, ngn-2, ngn2, ngnr, Ngnr-1, Ngnr1, ngnr 1a, xngn2, X-ngnr-1, Xngnr-1, XNgnr1 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 14 neural plate pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate central nervous system brain spinal cord neuron neurogenic placode neuroectoderm cranial placode lmo1.L bx, lmo-1, rbtn1, rhom1, rhombotin-1, rhombotin1, ttg1, xlmo-3 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 14 neural plate pre-chordal neural plate chordal neural plate neural plate border neural progenitor cell neurogenic placode neuron Rohon-Beard neuron motor neuron interneuron optic field nhlh1.L bhlha35, hen-1, hen1, nhlh1-a, nhlh1-b, nscl, nscl1 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 20 neural tube ventrolateral neural tube spinal cord lmo1.L bx, lmo-1, rbtn1, rhom1, rhombotin-1, rhombotin1, ttg1, xlmo-3 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 20 neural tube posterior neural tube anterior neural tube ventrolateral neural tube somite sclerotome nhlh1.L bhlha35, hen-1, hen1, nhlh1-a, nhlh1-b, nscl, nscl1 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 25 neural tube posterior neural tube anterior neural tube central nervous system brain spinal cord neuroectoderm optic vesicle eye forebrain midbrain hindbrain tubb2b.L NBT, neural beta-tubulin, NST, N-Tub, n-tubulin, ntubulin, Xn-tubulin X. laevis Throughout NF stage 25 brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain neuron Rohon-Beard neuron motor neuron interneuron spinal cord neurogenic placode neurog2.L atoh4, neurog2-a, neurog2-b, neurogenin 2, neurogenin-2, neurogenin2, neurogenin-related-1, ngn-2, ngn2, ngnr, Ngnr-1, Ngnr1, ngnr 1a, xngn2, X-ngnr-1, Xngnr-1, XNgnr1 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 25 brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain neuron Rohon-Beard neuron motor neuron interneuron spinal neuron neurogenic placode trigeminal placode spinal cord lmo1.L bx, lmo-1, rbtn1, rhom1, rhombotin-1, rhombotin1, ttg1, xlmo-3 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 25 brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain spinal cord neuron Rohon-Beard neuron motor neuron interneuron neurogenic placode otic placode trigeminal placode optic vesicle nhlh1.L bhlha35, hen-1, hen1, nhlh1-a, nhlh1-b, nscl, nscl1 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 35 and 36 brain eye cranial neural crest mandibular crest hyoid crest lmo1.L bx, lmo-1, rbtn1, rhom1, rhombotin-1, rhombotin1, ttg1, xlmo-3 X. laevis Throughout NF stage 35 and 36 brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain spinal cord somite sclerotome dermomyotome
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