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Figure 1. Expression and Localization of Heterotrimeric Kinesin II mRNA and Protein during Oogenesis(A–F) Whole mount in situ hybridization to endogenous Xklp3b (A–C) and Vg1 mRNA (D–F) in stage I (A and D), stage II (B and E), and stage III (C and F) oocytes. Arrows in (A)–(C) depict slight enrichment of Xklp3b mRNA in the mitochondrial cloud, wedge region, and vegetal cortex, respectively. GV is the germinal vesicle. The vegetal pole is oriented down in all images, and (C) and (F) are sectioned so that the cortex is visible. (G–I and K) Confocal images of Xklp3b-labeled Xenopus stage II (G), stage III (H), and stage IV (I) oocytes and an egg from Ciona intestinalis (K). Arrows in (H), (I), and (K) indicate enrichment of kinesin II at the vegetal cortex. (J) Western blots of whole-cell extracts prepared from stage I–VI oocytes via Xklp3a- and Xklp3b-specific antibodies. The scale bar represents 100 μm.

Image published in: Betley JN et al. (2004)

Copyright © 2004. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

gdf1.Sdvr-1, dvr1, gdf-1, vg-1, vg1X. laevisThroughout oocyte stage Icytoplasm
kif3b.Skinesin-II, klp3, klp3b, LOC108702080, xklp3, xklp3bX. laevisSometime during oocyte stage I to oocyte stage IIvegetal pole
wedge region
mitochondrial cloud
germinal vesicle
vegetal cortex
gdf1.Sdvr-1, dvr1, gdf-1, vg-1, vg1X. laevisSometime during oocyte stage II to oocyte stage IIIvegetal cortex
germinal vesicle
wedge region
mitochondrial cloud
kif3b.Skinesin-II, klp3, klp3b, LOC108702080, xklp3, xklp3bX. laevisSometime during oocyte stage II to oocyte stage IVvegetal cortex
kif3b.Skinesin-II, klp3, klp3b, LOC108702080, xklp3, xklp3bX. laevisThroughout oocyte stage IIIvegetal cortex
wedge region
mitochondrial cloud

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