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Fig. 3. Spatial expression analysis of Xenopus laevis vestigial like genes in embryo by in situ hybridization. (A) vgll2 expression. (a) dorsal view; (b,c,e) lateral views; (d,f,g,h) transversal sections. Double in situ hybridization of stage 30 embryo with vgll2 and myod1 (g) or vgll2 and myl1 (h). (B) vgll3 expression. (a,b,f,g), frontal views; (c) dorsal view; (e) lateral view. (f) double in situ hybridization of stage 16 embryo with vgll3 and en2 (f) or vgll3 and egr2 (g). (d) parasagittal section of the embryo shown in g; (h) higher magnification of d. The position of rhombomeres is indicated (r2, r3 and r5). (C) vgll4 expression. (a) anterior view; (b) dorsal view; (c) lateral view; (d) transversal section. The positions of the section were indicated. Embryo staging according to Nieuwkoop and Faber (1967) is indicated. ba, branchial arches; br, brain; ey, eye; h, hypophyseal anlage; hm, head mesenchyme; hym, hypaxial muscle; lp, lens placode; m, mesencephalon; mc, mandibular neural crest; n, notochord; op, olfactory placode; ov, otic vesicle; r, rhombomere; s, somites.

Image published in: Faucheux C et al. (2010)

Copyright © 2010. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, University of the Basque Country Press.

vgll3.LLOC108709205X. laevisSometime during NF stage 15 to NF stage 24rhombomere R2
egr2.LEGR-2, Krox-20, krox20, XKr20, XKrox-20X. laevisThroughout NF stage 16rhombomere R3
rhombomere R5
vgll4.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 16olfactory region
migratory neural crest cell
cranial neural crest
mandibular crest
optic field
vgll2.Lvgl-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 19presumptive paraxial mesoderm
vgll4.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 23cranial neural crest
mandibular crest
hyoid crest
anterior branchial crest
optic field
vgll2.Lvgl-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 26presomitic mesoderm
stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
anterior branchial crest
vgll2.Lvgl-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30somite
stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
branchial arch
myod1.Smf25, MyoD, myod1-a, myod1-b, myogenic factor 3, XMyoD, XtmyoDX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30somite
myl1.LMLC1f, MLC1f/3f, MLC3f, Xmlc, XMLC1f, XMLC3fX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30somite
vgll3.LLOC108709205X. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34head region
vgll4.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34somite
otic vesicle
anterior branchial crest
posterior branchial crest
tail bud
olfactory pit
vgll2.Lvgl-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38somite
adenohypophyseal placode
hypaxial muscle
branchial arch
hyoid arch

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